Supreme Box Logo AIO MacBot Guide
Tips & Tricks For This Week's Supreme Box Logo Release For AIO MacBot
1. Get your payment profiles ready. If you're gonna be running for multiple Box Logos, make sure your payment profiles are ready in the bot.
2. On Thursday, AIO MacBot will update the Supreme tab with the Box Logo Hooded Sweatshirts. Set up your tasks. Don't wait till last minute to set up your tasks. Make sure it's 1 proxy per task, or else you'll get banned!
3. Once you setup your tasks, close out the bot. Make sure everything is set and correct in the bot before you close out of the bot.
4. At 10:58 AM EST, start the bot up again. Login to your gmail when you open the bot, and go through the footlocker add to cart. Once you're done with the footlocker add to cart process, close that tab out. Doing this 2 minutes before release will likely lead to "1-Click" captchas that will increase your checkout speed.
5. At 10:59:45 start your tasks. Be patient, it's likely that the product will go up late. Let the bot do it's work. During this time patiently monitor the status of the bot. It should go from monitoring --> adding to cart --> checking out. Then captchas should pop up. Solve them as fast as possible. This will lead to optimal success.
Other Information:
Billing Tricks:
1. Do not be afraid to use Privacy Cards ( or Final Cards ( They definitely work.
2. Remember, NEVER run the same address multiple times for Supreme. If one of your tasks gets the "Violation" message, then all of your other tasks running that address will get burnt and you'll take a hard L. Run all different information. Different names, different addresses, different cards, etc.
Proxies that we recommend:
Boosted Proxies (Twitter)
Fogldn proxies (#proxies channel on slack)
Brazy Kicks (Twitter)
Tclick Proxies (Twitter)
Using an old gmail account will definitely increase your chances of getting "1-Click" captchas.