Data Center Proxies Background
Data center proxies revolve around speed. When you purchase a set of data center proxies, often times they are linked to a subnet. What this means is that all of your proxies, along with some other customers proxies, are linked to one subnet. These subnets are FAST. The downside is, a website can easily identify a subnet and ban the WHOLE subnet. While this sounds like a reason for great concern, as long as you use them the right way you won’t experience many issues. In the section called “Should I be using datacenter or residential proxies” you will find the best scenarios to use data center and residential proxies. We have a proxy guide at which will explain some providers we recommend. Play around with providers until you settle on one you like at the pricepoint you are comfortable with. To reiterate, data center are about speeds. This means quality can be determined by speed and reliability.
Residential Proxies Background
Residential proxies revolve around quantity! These are slow. Why would you want slow? There are certain types of sites where speeds are close to irrelevant. Residential proxies are not connected to a subnet like datacenter, so each residential proxy will not affect the other if one is banned. When speeds are slower, often times bans are reduced. Sites flag proxies that are checking their website every 1/10 of a second, but residential proxies can't always do that. Residential proxies often are sold as pay per GB used. What this means is that instead of buying a set number of data center proxies, you get access to unlimited proxies, yet you may be constrained to consuming a certain amount of data. Think of it as a cell service plan. I personally say you will most likely only need 2gb per month, I use 5 to be safe, but a lot say you are fine with 2. Footsite releases eat a decent amount of data. If you are heavy into releases, you may like having 5gb as a cushion. A gb can cost as low as $13ish a month, so a couple extra may be nice, but not necessary. There are services like boosted who sell per proxy, and not per the GB, this can be a decent option if you want. We tend to stick to the top three residential proxy providers (skproxies, fog, copped)
Should I Use Data Center Proxies or Residential Proxies?
There are times to use DC proxies, DC = Data Center, saves me some typing ;) And there are some times where resi proxies are the solution. First thing is on Adidas, residential are the better solution for splash page. On product mode releases, where shoes fly fast, maybe look into DC proxies. Often times you can use dynamic ip’s for residential proxies, or static ip’s. For almost all cases, use dynamic ip’s. Footsites are another platform where residential proxies can be utilized. You need quantities for footsites, so when running upwards of 600 tasks on footsites, it is important to have one proxy per task, so unless you want a large bill, having an unlimited residential proxy plan is an amazing option. Nike is another place that residential proxies can be used, especially for DAN releases where you don't have to rush to enter, you have 30 mins typically. FLOW releases which are just a first come first serve, data center may be needed. I use residential for LEO releases which are a 3 minute quick raffle, and speeds don’t play as big of a role. For shopify sites, shoes sell out FAST. This means you need data center proxies. Fast sites, data center. Sites where you aren’t worried about speeds, residential proxies are traditionally the way to go.